God's word giveth light

The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple. – Psalm 119:130

Join us in worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ

Join us for in-person and online worship as we lift our voices in praise! United in spirit, we celebrate God’s enduring mercy, faithfulness, and grace together, wherever we are.


Come and serve God with us!

Get involved as we advance God’s Kingdom throughout families, neighborhoods, and nations. Engage in Sunday Bible School teaching, youth ministry, Bible study, soul-winning, and more!

Sunday Worship Services

Are you missing Sunday services because the time conflicts with your schedule? I have some exciting news: FBCM has three! Find a service that works with your schedule here.

Sermon Videos

Surely we also need to nourish our souls, as stated in Matthew 4:4. Watch the sermons we have recorded, meditate on them every day, and do not live on bread alone.

Prayer Meeting

God gives us the gift of prayer. It enables us to communicate with him and voice our issues. This church meets once a week to pray for the nation and the church, demonstrating its significance of prayer.

Youth Activities

There’s no youth without you! The FBCM uses every available instrument to prepare the young to be better leaders of the future generation, from informal lunchtime fellowships to youth camps!

Sunday School

Be a part of healthy conversations, dissecting the Bible as it intended, and taking God at his word.

Explore Other Ministries

Explore ways to support our church – whether through assisting, volunteering, or more. Connect, grow, and contribute to our vibrant community.

Upcoming Event!

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Watch our latest videos here

Experience our worship services and prayer meetings where insightful lessons on doctrine, prophecy, and godly living are learned. Join us in deepening your understanding and enriching your spiritual journey.

What We Believe

7 Fundamental Truths about Our Lord Jesus Christ

Explore the profound essence of our Lord Jesus Christ. Delve into His life, teachings, and eternal significance as we study the transformative power of His love and grace. Join us in discovering the timeless truths that shape our faith and guide our spiritual journey.

His Deity

Jesus Christ is the creator of all things, one with the Father and the Holy Spirit in creation, maintenance of, and determining the future of all things, visible and invisible (John 1:1-3; Colossians 1:16-17).

His Incarnation

Jesus Christ becomes incarnate through the miracle of virgin birth John 1:14; Genesis 3:l5; Isaiah 7:14; Matthew l:18-25).

His Righteousness

Jesus Christ as God in flesh, was absolutely sinless and holy in thought, word, and deed. He was the Lamb without blemish and without spot typified by the OT. offerings and sacrifices (John 1:29; 1 Peter 2:22-25).

His Crucifixion

Jesus Christ took on Himself the penalty for the SIN of the whole human race so that by his death, God’s wrath for man’s sin was appeased and Divine justice was carried out for sin. Only by the death of the righteous Savior can forgiveness be granted to all who come to Christ as their redeemer from sin (I Peter 1:18,19; Leviticus 16:30 and 34; Hebrews 9:8-28; I Peter 3:l8).

His Resurrection

Jesus Christ was buried and after three days rose again proving that his sacrifice was accepted by the Father. If he did not rise as he said, our faith is in vain and we would still be in our unsaved condition... still sinners condemned (I Corinthians 15:13- 17; Acts 2:24 - Father; Romans 8:11 - Holy Spirit; John 10:l8 - Son).

His Ascension

Jesus Christ, the risen Lord, ascended to Heaven after forty days of post-resurrection ministry to become the Only High Priest, Advocate and Intercessor, and Mediator (John 14:6; 1 Timothy 2:5; Hebrews chapters 8 and 9) for man.

His Return

Jesus Christ is coming again to become King of kings and Lord of lords over the whole earth for the last millennium as the Second Adam (Adam as head of the human race in the first millennium) completing His ministry as Christos, the anointed Prophet, Priest and King (Acts l:8-11; John 14:6; Titus 2:l3; Matthew 24:42-5l; Revelation chapters 4-22).

Our Church

Goals and Purposes

The mission of our church is to fervently spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are united here in obedience to His teachings, dedicated to fostering spiritual growth in Christ and sharing His message with a world in need of salvation. With a heart devoted to glorifying God, we labor to nurture and empower mature Christians and disciples who embody the likeness of Christ.

To spread the Gospel of Jesus Chris

The church aims to share the good news of salvation and eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ.

To promote Christian values

The church is committed to promoting values such as love, kindness, compassion, and integrity in its members and in the community.

To provide worship services

The church provides regular worship services that include singing, praying, and preaching of the Word of God.

To offer Bible studies

The church provides Bible studies for its members and the community to deepen their understanding of the Christian faith.

To support youth programs

The church has a strong commitment to youth ministry and provides various programs and activities to help young people grow in their faith.

To engage in outreach activities

The church engages in various outreach activities such as mission trips, evangelism, and community service to share the love of Christ with others.

To engage in outreach activities

The church engages in various outreach activities such as mission trips, evangelism, and community service to share the love of Christ with others.

Upcoming Events

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